Not elgible for Access to Work? Can't afford coaching?
I offer low cost coaching on a sliding scale.
As someone with lived experience of poverty and the care system, I am keen to ensure all ADHD and Autistic people of all socioeconomic backgrounds have access to coaching.
I offer a small number of slots in my regular coaching calendar on a sliding scale basis.
There is still a small charge for these sessions - that's because, in my experience, clients are more invested in coaching when they have made a financial commitment. This fee also covers the cost of the software/administrative costs I incur per client.
To be eligible for a low cost coaching slot, you must not be eligible for Access to Work (ie because you are unemployed in the UK or living outside of the UK) and must have a low household income.
There is no other eligibility critieria, but I am particularly keen to support fellow late diagnosed women, care leavers, and LGBTQIA+ people. I love to know more about who I'm coaching, but please only share what you feel comfortable to.
Join the waiting list for low cost coaching
The current estimated wait time for low cost coaching is 12 weeks.