Access to Work Application Support

If you're Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, or otherwise neurodivergent, you already know how challenging it can be to navigate workplace barriers.

The Access to Work application process is an incredible opportunity to get the support you need, but it can feel overwhelming.

That’s where I come in—we can work together to make the process smoother and ensure you get the help you deserve to thrive at work.

Whether you're looking for assistance with specialist equipment, support workers, travel needs, or mental health strategies, submitting an Access to Work application could be life-changing. Together, we can make sure your application reflects your unique needs and highlights the barriers you're facing, ensuring that you receive the right support to succeed.

Why Get Support for Your Access to Work Application?

The Access to Work application process involves paperwork, research, and preparation, which can be daunting—especially if you're already managing work and navigating the complexities of being neurodivergent in a world designed for neurotypicals.

When we work together on your Access to Work application, you'll gain more than just practical help—you’ll gain a partner who understands what it's like to need accommodations for neurodivergence. I know how crucial it is to have your needs understood and met, and we can collaborate to ensure your Access to Work grant provides the right support for you to thrive.

What others say...

"Before working with Leah, I felt overwhelmed by the Access to Work process and had procrastinated for months. She helped me navigate each step and gave me the confidence to ask for the support I needed. Thanks to her, I now have the right equipment and manager who understands my Autism. I'm so glad I got help."

Sarah J., Access to Work applicant

Free Resources to help with your Access to Work Application

If you're feeling lost, don't worry—I've got you covered with my free e-learning course.

This is the most comprehensive free resource about the Access to Work application process you’ll find.

This step-by-step guide breaks down the entire application in simple, digestible sections, helping you feel confident every step of the way.

This course is designed specifically by my Neurodivergent brain for yours.


Live Webinars

Facebook Group

In addition to the e-learning course, I hold free monthly webinars where you can ask any questions about the Access to Work application.

These webinars are a great way to get live support from me and hear from others going through the same process.

I also run a free Facebook group where neurodivergent individuals like you can ask questions, share experiences, and connect with others.

This supportive space ensures you never feel alone during your Access to Work journey.

1:1 Support for your Access to Work Application

If you're looking for more tailored help, I offer 1:1 Access to Work application support. Together, we can review your application to ensure that it's clear, detailed, and reflective of your needs. Many neurodivergent individuals downplay or underestimate the support they require—I’ll help you make sure you're asking for what you need without feeling guilty or unsure.

Whether you're unsure how to describe your barriers, need help researching suppliers, or want to ensure your claims are watertight, we’ll work together to make your application as strong as possible.

"I had no idea what kind of support I could get through Access to Work until I worked with Leah. She not only helped me with the application but also made sure I didn’t underestimate my needs. Now, I have software and equipment to help, and I feel much more supported at work."

— Julie M., Access to Work applicant

Understanding Access to Work as an Employer

As a leader, you want to provide the best support for all of your employees. You may have heard of the Access to Work scheme and wondered how it can help create an inclusive workplace. While the Access to Work application process can unlock vital support, it is often highly bureaucratic and forces applicants to emphasise their deficits, which can feel counter to a neuroaffirmative approach.

My role is to help you and your team navigate this process while honouring the strengths of your employees. Although the system requires a focus on barriers, together we can ensure that the application reflects the reality of their workplace experience without compromising their sense of empowerment. I understand the complexities of the process and can help you navigate it in a way that balances what the DWP needs to know with your employee’s right to feel valued and understood.

Working with me means ensuring your neurodivergent colleagues receive the right accommodations without the overwhelm. Let’s make sure your employees get the support they deserve while maintaining a positive, empowering approach to their unique strengths.

Benefits to working with me on your Access to Work Application

Neuroaffirmative Approach: I believe in difference, not deficit. I'm committed to making ATW an empowering process for you.

Comprehensive: I've read the Access to Work assessors manual back to front. I know what DWP are looking for. Together, we’ll craft an application that clearly outlines the barriers you face at work, ensuring you're equipped with the right support.

Personal Experience: I've applied for Access to Work as a charity leader, as an entrepreneur, and in support of coaching clients and employees. Let's leverage that experience in your application.

Tailored to Your Needs: No two applications are alike. I’ll help you pinpoint the specific support you need, from software to coaching or travel assistance, so you can thrive in your work environment.

Free Resources: Between the e-learning course, monthly webinars, and Facebook group, there are a wealth of free resources available to support you on this journey. Plus, with 1:1 support, we can dive even deeper into your unique situation.

Stop Procrastinating - You Deserve This Support

The Access to Work application is a vital tool that can provide the support you need to thrive in your workplace. But with wait times currently at 6+ months, it's crucial to start your application as soon as possible.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to secure the supports that will make a real difference in your working life. Together, we can navigate this process so you can feel empowered and confident knowing you’re on the right path to getting the help you deserve. Access to Work is more than just a grant—it’s a lifeline for neurodivergent people who need the right tools to flourish at work.

"I procrastinated for months before finally seeking help with my Access to Work application. I can't beleive it only took a couple of hours to get it done with you! I got my confirmation that I'm on the wait list. I can't wait to getting it all confirmed and set up. Thanks, Leah"

— Mike Z., Access to Work applicant