Building Resilient Teams: Your Support for Team Cohesion and Effectiveness

Are you a passionate charity leader struggling with the challenges of managing an effective team?

Feeling the pressure to get everything done while grappling with disengaged employees, high turnover rates, low morale, and productivity? Do you find yourself taking on more and more tasks because no one else will step up? Is employee sickness and absenteeism affecting your operations and team cohesion? Do you regularly have to intervene in team conflicts? Have you experienced ‘quiet quitting’—employees who turn up but aren’t switched on? Has your team experienced a period of change and is finding it hard to settle?

If the answer to any of these is yes—you’re not alone.

After taking part in Leah's workshops, I not only gained practical tools to implement, but I also experienced a shift in mindset that has helped me move forward with greater confidence.

Leah helped me see that embracing my strengths, rather than trying to fit a mold, was key to connecting with people and growing in a sustainable way."

- Jonathan Cook, Co-Chair, North Northants LGBT+ Forum

I know you want to create a supportive and thriving environment where your team can excel. You aspire to lead a motivated and engaged workforce that can tackle the challenges faced by your organisation. You desire to make a significant impact, support your team’s wellbeing, and nurture an inclusive culture that values diversity.

But It’s Difficult Because:

  • You have competing priorities that make it hard to focus on team cohesion and engagement—it’s often just easier to do things yourself.

  • Limited resources prevent you from investing in extensive training or development programmes.

  • A lack of clarity around potential and capacity in your team makes it challenging to allocate tasks effectively.

  • Being a charity leader means being a generalist—you don’t necessarily have the time, experience, or energy to facilitate team-building initiatives.

I understand. I faced similar challenges myself when I was a charity CEO.

Differences in working styles and communication can lead to misunderstandings and friction among team members. Without effective strategies for conflict resolution, these issues can escalate, creating a toxic atmosphere. High levels of stress and burnout can arise in challenging work environments, impacting both individual and team performance. When employees feel overwhelmed, productivity declines, and absenteeism increases.

When employees feel unsupported or undervalued, they hesitate to take the initiative. This leads to a passive work environment where team members wait for direction rather than contributing ideas and solutions. Research shows that only 20% of employees report being able to do what they do best most of the time, which results in diminished commitment and productivity. If your team’s strengths aren’t being harnessed, you’re missing out on valuable talent and energy.

Why Focus on Engagement? According to research conducted by Gallup, teams that are highly engaged experience 81% less absenteeism, 18% higher productivity, 43% lower turnover in low-turnover organisations, and 23% more profitability. When engagement is measured and addressed properly, it drives business performance and resilience, especially in challenging economic climates. Engaged employees are more likely to stay, innovate, and take ownership of their roles, helping organisations thrive even in difficult times.

If these issues are present in your charity, the impact can be profound. A disengaged team can lead to high turnover, increased absenteeism, and a lack of innovation. This not only affects your organisational outcomes but also takes a toll on your personal wellbeing as you juggle these competing demands.

Training for Leaders & Managers

Strengths-Based Management – £150/delegate
An in-depth training half-day training introducing managers to principles of strengths-based management including asking over telling, roles over job descriptions and making the most of individual strengths.

Strengths-Based Leadership for Charity Leaders – £750
A package of 1:1 training and mentoring for you/your SLT over 3 months providing deep insights into strengths-based leadership, practical tips and strategic guidance.

Team Strengths

Comprehensive Team Strengths Package – From £1500
Research shows that teams that focus on strengths every day experience 12.5% greater productivity. I’ll deliver a comprehensive package of support to introduce a strengths approach to your team, which includes 1:1 sessions with you, a team workshop, a team Strengths Profile, individual Strengths Profiles, and, optionally, 1:1 or group sessions with each team member, plus a Leader Strengths Profile for you.

Workshops and Away Days

Feedback and Communication Workshop – From £600
A half-day workshop designed to help teams improve communication skills with one another and understand how to give and receive feedback in a way that fosters trust, understanding, and better team collaboration.

Away Day Package – From £1000
A fully facilitated away day for your team to explore the unique strengths each individual brings to the team and how to work effectively with one another in a diverse team.

Strategy and Policy Support

Wellbeing Policy Mentoring – £350
A 1-hour one-to-one mentoring session to guide your charity through developing a wellbeing policy, plus ongoing remote support to ensure its effective implementation.

Team Resilience Audit to Action Plan – From £1,500
A comprehensive audit of your charity’s approach to team resilience, resulting in a detailed report and action plan to improve team dynamics and engagement. Could include a staff survey, policy development/review, and strategy workshop.

So, let’s work together.

Did you know that 42% of high performers state their managers discuss strengths with them, compared to only 24% in the general workforce? A strengths-based approach can improve retention, motivation, and discretionary effort while helping you build a more resilient and cohesive team..

Bespoke options also available - let's work together to design something that suits your charity's unique needs!

For a full breakdown of these services, including how they can help your charity thrive, download our detailed Services Flyer.

Case Study: A Strong, Happy, Motivated Team at Action Hampshire

Client: Action Hampshire, a regional infrastructure charity

The Challenge: Following a period of significant change, a staff survey indicated that some team members were experiencing a high workload and poor work-life balance while others lacked development opportunities. Only 17% of the team felt the organisation was making the most of their strengths, and 13% felt their unique skills and talents were not valued or utilised.

The Outcomes:

  • A culture of coaching was introduced, replacing micromanagement.

  • A strengths approach was implemented, with individual and team strengths analysed.

    Before the strengths approach, team members rated their understanding of their own strengths at an average of 3.76/6. After the sessions, this increased to 5.06/6. Understanding of colleagues’ strengths went from 2.93/6 to 4/6.
    Team members reported feeling empowered, positive, and refreshed.

”My Strengths Profile provided new insights about energy and made me think outside of the box."

"The team workshop was helpful for managers and colleagues to understand each other."

"The experience has left me feeling empowered, positive, refreshed and self aware"

- Action Hampshire team members

By working together, you can create a more engaged, productive, and resilient team. Research shows that teams with high engagement experience:

  • 81% fewer sick days

  • 43% lower turnover in low-turnover organisations

  • 12.5% greater productivity when focusing on strengths

Let’s build a resilient and thriving team that supports both your charity’s mission and your team’s wellbeing.

The Transformation You Can Expect